Appendix 1

//Jennifer Gonzales

//Valerie Gonzales

//January, 2000

//Period 2

// Computer Challenge


#include <iostream.h> //allows the use of cin and cout

#include <math.h> //allows us to use math

int main()

{//open main program

//declaring variables

double i,k,dd,s,v,ii;


//k = constant population by the millions

k = 1767000;


//At 20 years or younger you will become infected with one breath of the

//virus at the initial contact of the explosion.

//The initial contact was the downwind of the explosion.

//In NM 34% of people are under the age of 20.

//ii= the population of NM / the 34% of NM population under 20

//years of age


//s = 2% of the suceptible people because of all the vaccinated people

//2% that can contact the virus


//i= the total of infected people





//dd = death due to the diseases

//The death rate of the infected is 40%. We take NM population * .40



//Formula to find the amount of people affected by the smallpox virus

v = (k)-((i+dd));

cout<< "The amount of people affected is"<<endl;

cout<< v<<endl;

cout << v/k*100<<"% of population affected"<<endl;

}//end program