Hello! Welcome to our web page for our tornado project. Our group consists of
Pete Griego
James Melchor
Stephanie Paiz
Amanda Constancia
Joshua Leyba
Our project involves the study of tornaodes and how they are formed. at first, the original plan was to photograph and generate a 3d computer animated model of a tornado by the use of c++ programs and other various programs at our disposal
, but the photograph of the simulated tornaod never came to be. After a while of brainstorming, our group came to the conclusion to try to see if a tornaod could be stopped by explosives. If you have any questions about the project or any aspects of the
project, please feel free to click on any of our names if you want to give us some comments or suggestions.
Our Group Objective
Final Report-Introduction
Project Description
Method of Solution
Future Plans
Tornado Pictures
Created and copyrighted by Josh Industries©