
Our project has progressed in different directions from the start. The project originally was about global warming and determining if we could link the rising temperatures to the creation of the power plants. Realizing that this project was too complex, we created a StarLogo program that we felt would be useful in demonstrating what the area looks like with pollution. This program shows the APS and PNM power plants emitting Sulfur dioxide (SO2 ), where the pollution is headed, and how quickly it is diffused. Next, we added the third power plant to show how pollution would increase in the area. Focusing mainly on SO2 limited our scope, and made our project more workable.

We chose to focus on SO2 emissions because SO22 pollution in the U.S comes from electric power generation that burns fossil fuel, like coal. The Four Corners, APS power plant currently emits 35,000 tons of SO2  per year. The San Juan Generating Station, PNM power plant currently emits 15,000 tons of SO2  per year.  The proposed power plant, Desert Rock, run by Sithe Global would emit about 5,000 tons of SO2  per year.

Pollution from power plants can travel different distances. Wind speed, direction, and chimney heights can affect this distance greatly. Our StarLogo program incorporates this by including our hometown, Shiprock and the three power plants putting out SO2 . There is one slider that increases wind speed, making pollution go farther. Another controls wind direction.

Desert Rock can be introduced into the program after it has been running by pressing a button, indicating it will create this plant. This will show how much more pollution is being added to the area.

Although our project has changed from its original design, we feel that we have accomplished a great deal. Not only have we learned from our project, but we hope the community will also learn from it.