
Do you know what it is like to have a power plant in your area? Well we have two; the Four Corners Power Plant generated by the Arizona Power Service (APS) and the San Juan Generating Station run by the Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM). Both plants are coal-fired electricity producers. The side effects of these plants are numerous. We will be looking at the pollution levels of these two plants and what a new plant would do to the environment.

Many small children see the large plumes of water vapor, sulfur dioxide, mercury, nitrogen dioxide, carbon dioxide, and sulfuric acid emitted from the power plants. They often ask if that is where clouds are made. In actuality, that is where acid rain, smog, and greenhouse gases are made. Like other community members, we were concerned about how far these chemicals go and how they affect us.

Another power plant is being proposed near Burnham, New Mexico, just thirty-five miles from our home. Although this plant would provide jobs and electricity, it will also take up water and produce more pollution. We hope our project will encourage people to veto the power plant and raise concerns about controlling the pollution.