
The results we have acquired from our research and StarLogo program have been numerous. We have not only figured out how far pollution travels from the power plants, but also how much more SO (in percent) will be put into our atmosphere by building a new power plant.

According to Acid Rain, a book by Sally Morgan, pollution from a chimney 33 ft. high travels 75 miles in a day. Pollution from a chimney 164 ft. high travels 105 miles in a day. Unfortunately, we were unable to find a third ratio in order to create a linear graph which would show us exactly how far the pollution would travel.

Math Model:

 Instead we figured out miles per foot of chimney for both ratios.

75/ 33 = 2.27 miles per foot           105/164 = .64 miles per foot

Next we averaged the results to get the average mile(s) pollution will travel per foot of chimney.                                                                            (numbers rounded)

2.27 + .64 = 2.91             2.91 /  2 = 1.46  

On average, pollution from a one foot tall chimney will travel 1.46 miles in a day.  The APS power plant chimneys are 250 and 380 ft. tall. The PNM power plant chimneys are 350 ft. high. This means SO 2  pollution travels about 365 miles, 554.8 miles, and 511 miles each day. (See Appendix B for graph) This is tremendously far. According to the New Mexico Air Quality Bureau, the strongest winds are most frequently to the East, Northwest, Northeast, and West. This means that Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, Western Texas and New Mexico are most affected by our pollution. As our research shows, it is not only our community’s concern if a new power plant is built. (See appendix C and B for map and wind rose) 

As we have noted before, APS emits 35,000 tons of SO 2  per year, PNM emits 15,000 tons per year, and Desert Rock will emit about 5,000 tons per year. Currently, we are receiving a total of 50,000 tons of SO 2  air pollution a year. When the Desert Rock power plant is built, it will increase SO 2