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AiS Challenge

Glorieta Kickoff Conference

The Kickoff Conference at the Glorieta Conference Center will be held on October 24-26. Glorieta is located at exit 299 on I-25, 15 miles north of Santa Fe.

Two sessions will be held. Schools that are farther than one hundred miles from Glorieta will attend the first session on October 24 and 25, while the schools within one hundred miles attend the second session on October 25 and 26. For each student and teacher attending Glorieta, room and board will be provided for by the AiS Challenge.

The Glorieta schedule and the rules while at Glorieta, and a map of Glorieta, or see the highlighted map showing the areas at Glorieta that we will be using.

Here are the detailed schedules for the first session.

Remember that you need to bring an Abstract with you to the kickoff. See Abstract hints An Abstract template is to be filled out for each team.

Be sure you have registered for the AiS Challenge.

Our theme for this Kickoff Conference will be Emergency Egress and Ed MacKerrow will be our keynote speaker.

To learn more about previous year's kickoffs, visit our archive

For questions about the Supercomputing Challenge, a 501(c)3 organization, contact us at: consult1516 @

New Mexico Supercomputing Challenge, Inc.
80 Cascabel Street
Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544
(505) 667-2864

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