Progress on "Encryption"

We, John, Jon, Kelvin, Paul, and Tom, have been discussing our project on encryption. Generally speaking, the path to completion has been defined. We have a general outline of the project. Each person in the group has been assigned some code that they should attempt to write. Code that is too difficult for one member will be distributed to another. We've decided on a system in which every member of the group will be able to contribute. Thus far, we've created some sample code that creates an, ID or key that will be unique to every person. That key, in turn, will then determine how text is encrypted, as well as decrypted. We have begun to experiment with an ID system similar to that of websites that have you sign up for something and use a picture as a key to prevent from automated sign ups. A clear example of this can be found on many websites such as We are deciding if, and in what way we may utilize a similar ID system. We've developed several different algorithms for vocabulary and sentence structure. We hope to divulge into some open source programs that are similar to Microsoft's "Word" in order to make text even more sensible. In order to finish our project, we need to combine everyone's code in a manner that shall produce results.