What we are trying to do is solve many mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle. What we want to know is why so many ships get swallowed into the Bermuda Triangle. The Bermuda encloses many mysteries. We want to try to uncover these mysteries. These mysteries are very interesting. An interesting fact is that, it is said that Christopher Columbus and his crew once passed by the Bermuda Triangle and saw these odd lights above this point. Furthermore, the three points of the Bermuda Triangle are, the southern tip of Florida, Puerto Rico, and the Bermuda Island. Our theory is that there is frozen methane gas at the bottom the Bermuda Triangle is some how connected to this problem. From this there are bubbles that contain methane gas. “The gas bubbles resulted from underwater landslides releasing frozen methane gas, which had built up over millennia, the methane ice “gas hydrate” was produce from deep-sea bacteria feeding beneath the ocean bed” These bubbles are apple size although they release a large quantity of methane gas. The methane gas bubbles can reduce the density of the seawater. Because of this the ships can sink, the density of the water would be to low and because of this factor the buoyancy would also drop, this will make a ship sink. This is probably why ships don’t make it out of the Bermuda Triangle. The effect of this gas release could be fatal (methane gas is flammable) because the gas could catch on fire when it comes into contact with the heat of the ship's engines. Because of this, the ships couldn’t survive the Devil’s triangle. People can’t survive these methane bubbles because they take a good amount of oxygen away from the air we breath. The bubbles contain a large amount of methane gas. As you know people can’t survive without oxygen. More than 1000 lives have been lost. The Bermuda covers more than 1,500,000 square miles. Because of the Triangle being so big the people really can’t search for the lost ships. Searching for these ships would really be difficult because they are risking their lives to search for these lost ships and they really can’t search in a big area like this. The Bermuda is about 5.5 times the state of Texas. Texas is 267,000 square miles. The depth of the Bermuda is more than 10,000 m. and this is pretty deep. This is why we think ships don’t leave a trace at this point in the ocean.

Rosenberg, Aaron. The Bermuda Triangle . New york, New York : The Rosenberg Publishing Group, Inc., 2002.

Benton, William . "Bermuda Triangle ." Encyclopaedia Britannica . 1978 ed.

Hemingway , Helen . "Bermuda Islands ." Encylopaedia Britannica . 1978 ed.

Carroll, bob. "'Giant Bubbles' caused disasters." The Adelaide Advertiser Australian Skeptics. 1 July 2004: 11/16/04 .

Varekamp , Johan C.. Methane hydrates (Clathrates): . Introduction to Environmental Science. Sept. 19,2004 .sleyan.edu/199.htm