Team Number: 082
School Name: Silver High School
Area of Science: Number Theory
Project Title: The Rhythm of Hailstones

Problem Definition: Technology lacks in the performing art form of dance. Dance can best be described as “moving rhythmically usually to music, using prescribed or improvised steps and gestures.” Whether people realize it or not, they dance at least once a day. Dance is a unique art that can be done by any person of any age. A baby moving around in his/her crib is dancing. A young adult attending their first school dance will be dancing the night away. Dancing is incorporated into everyone’s daily lifestyle.

Many choreographers today, face difficult times where they are unable to create a unique dance. There may be an occasion where a choreographer must create a dance within one day. Choreography is an on-going process that takes many hours, days, or possibly even weeks. Choreography is similar to writing a poem or a novel. There must be a story being told just by the actions and music of the actual dance. The choreographer must add movements to each count of the music. Along with the flowing with the music, the movements the choreographer creates must associate with the overall theme he/she is trying to portray.

Problem Solution: When a choreographer is put on the spot, they need something to create the dance for them. Using The Rhythm of Hailstones computer program, the user will be able to create many dances from just one they have already created. The choreographer will still be using their own ideas created from previous dances; however, the ideas are rearranged to assist the choreographer with his/her objective. Using the “Hailstone Theory”, the program will rearrange each set of eight counts and four count breaks. These sets of counts are numbered according to how they fit the music the dance is being performed to resulting in those numbers corresponding to a number in the output of The Rhythm of Hailstone programs. Then, those eight counts are put into the order the program outputs them. The eight counts and four counts are then placed into the movie editing software, Windows Movie Maker.

Progress to Date: To date, The Rhythm of Hailstones is still under construction. All four of the dances have been filmed to serve as examples of how The Rhythm of Hailstones program will work with many different types of dances, and many different types of situations. All four programs have been built and are running correctly, but a program to link all four programs together is still being assembled. The Final paper is partially completed. The Power Point presentation is still being worked on, but there are only a few more slides to go.

Expected Results: Team 82 expects great results from The Rhythm of Hailstones computer program. Choreographers will now no longer have to stress over the last minute building of a dance. They will now be able to create a dance within a matter of minutes. They will not have to worry about using other people’s ideas or not reaching the deadline. They will have what they need, when they need it.

Team Members: Sasha Ogas and David Potts

Sponsoring Teacher: Mrs. Peggy Larisch


Dance. Farlex. October 29, 2004 .

Hayes, Elizabeth. Dance Composition and Production for High Schools and Colleges. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1955.

Keith, Mike. The Music of Hailstones. October 1998. September 16, 2004 .

Louis, Murray. Inside Dance. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1980.

Math Skills Review: Logarithms. September 27, 2004 .

McGreevy-Nichols, Susan, and Scheff Helene. Building Dances. Human Kinetics, 1995.

Sorell, Walter. The Dance Has Many Faces. Chicago: a capella books, 1992.

Van Zandt, Eleanor. The Arts: Dance. Austin: Steck-Vaugh Library, 1988.