AiS Challenge participants tour Sandia Labs

On March 17, 2005, a group of AiS Challenge participants from Bloomfield High, Eldorado High, Farmington High, Manzano High, Sandia Prep, and Shiprock High schools participated in a tour of Sandia National Laboratories.

Tour agenda

It was fascinating to listen to Sid Gutierrez talk about his two missions into space as an astronaut. "There is always more to learn and discover" he said. He encouraged the students to work in areas in which they are interested, "You need to love your job".

Curtis Johnson of the Advanced Concepts Group gave an interesting talk about how we can get brains and computers to collaborate.

Clifford Loucks showed movies of the robotics research being done at Sandia and demonstrated a computer controlled robotic arm.

After lunch we learned about the Microelectronics Lab and got to see the new RedStorm supercomputer, one of the fastest computers in the world, and then learned about the Cyber Defenders program at Sandia.

The day was enjoyed by all and we thank Tom Laub and Sandia for providing this opportunity for the participants in the Adventures in Supercomputing Challenge.