AiS Challenge Team Abstract

Area of Science: Agriculture & Environmental Science

Project Title: Ranchers' Dilemma



Project Name:
Ranchers’ Dilemma

The problem of wolves preying on cattle is a widespread problem in New Mexico. Ranchers and animal rights supporters have battled over the proposed killing of wolves found on ranches. We wish to observe the effect of allowing ranchers to kill wolves who prey on their livestock on the populations of both wolves and cattle.

The purpose of the project is to graphically model the effect between five and twenty years on the populations of both wolves and cattle herds by the killing of wolves and the subsequent growth of cattle herds. We plan to take into account the natural death and birth rates of the cattle and wolves. We also plan to include the slaughter of the cows and the killing of the wolves.

We will simulate the problem through the use of Java code. With a user specified time period, between five and twenty years, with the known statistics of the ratio of wolves to cows, as well as a randomly generated birth rate of the cattle, we will graphically display the growth or decay of the size of the cattle herds and wolf packs. To achieve this, we will program a random generator and make use of extensive research and mathematical equations. The user will thus perform various scenarios with the time variable and randomly generated birth rate to predict the effects of the killing of wolves by ranchers.

Team Members

Project Mentor(s)