New Mexico Adventures in Supercomputing Challenge 2004-2005

Team Entry Authorization Form



(Please type or print CLEARLY.)



School Name Public/Non-Public/Home (Circle One)



Street Address Phone Fax



City, State Abbreviation, Zip Code Date






I understand by signing below that I agree to abide by the rules of the Ai S Challenge. Specifically, I have read and understand the AUP and will submit work for consideration that is solely my own. I also understand that the decision of the Executive Committee is final in all respects.


NOTE: The name you enter must be legible and the same as you entered electronically.




Student Name (Please Print - First Name, MI, Last Name) Signature



Student Name (Please Print - First Name, MI, Last Name) Signature



Student Name (Please Print - First Name, MI, Last Name) Signature



Student Name (Please Print - First Name, MI, Last Name) Signature



Student Name (Please Print - First Name, MI, Last Name) Signature



Teacher - Sponsor (Please Print - First Name, MI, Last Name) Signature



Teacher (Please Print - First Name, MI, Last Name) Signature



Project Advisor (Please Print - First Name, MI, Last Name) Signature



Area of Science of Report (



Principal (Please Print - First Name, MI, Last Name) Signature, Principal Date



I/We agree by signing above that we will guide the individual efforts of the members of this team throughout the AiS Challenge competition and throughout this academic year. I/We certify that we have read the AiS Challenge Rules and hereby authorize/approve this Team Entry.


Return to:

New Mexico Adventures in Supercomputing Challenge

P. O. Box 30102

Albuquerque, NM 87190




This form MUST be signed by all Students, Teachers and the School Principal/Headmaster and returned with the registration fee of $30 per student. REGISTER ELECTRONICALLY FIRST by September 20th, 2004, and then mail this form to arrive no later than Tuesday, October 12, 2004. Checks should be made payable to NMAISC.