Social & Economic Effects of Avian Flu

Team: 8


Area of Science: social science

Abstract: If you ask an American what Avian Influenza is they might be able to tell you. But if you asked them what the repercussions to the United States society and economy would be if a major outbreak occurred in any large US city, they probably couldn't even guess. Through the modeling of flu death rates, influenza spread, the effects Avian Flu has on society, major trade centers and other topics, we could educate the public on how damaging this new emerging disease could be to their society. Knowing what Avian Flu can do to our society will help us better prepare for the future outbreak(s) that are going to occur within the USA.

Our Mentor is Dr. Terry Yates of UNM and the CDC.

Team Members:

  Nilson Cayaditto
  Morgan Matthew
  Carolina Belmares-Ortega
  Elise Gurney
  Lauren Howarth

Sponsoring Teacher: Marie Ryan