Sniper Improvement

Team: 46


Area of Science: Physics

Abstract: Mi Deng
Chris Smith
Justin Cross
Ryan Dailey
Daniel Parrott

Sniper Improvement

Problem: Today's military snipers, even with all their technology, have to use math to hit targets. Not only that, some of their methods to take certain factors into effect involve estimation. This causes the shot to be impricise and causes snipers to take too long between shots. We consider this a waste of time.

Model: We will make a computer program that measures and calculates the necessary calculations. Then, the program will give the output of where to aim. We think such a program will be faster and more accurate than a sniper's calculations. Currently, snipers use many separate tools to measure the needed variables. We want to mechanize the calculation process that snipers already use by putting all these devices into a computer program. This program calculates bullet trajectory considering distance, gravity and earth's curve (givens), and wind speed.

Solution: We hope that this program will be incorporated into military guns. This program will help snipers make successive shots in a matter of seconds, increasing their lethality.

Team Members:

  Mi Deng
  Justin Cross
  Christopher Smith
  Ryan Dailey

Sponsoring Teacher: Gregory Marez