Imperial Dynamics

Team: 76


Area of Science: Behavioral and Social Sciences



History has demonstrated that over time all societies go through periods of birth, growth, and decline. In some instances civilizations have existed with others in relatively stable conditions, but there have also been cases where civilizations expanded and declined rapidly. Some causes for these variations are well known, but others are much less obvious.


The purpose is to explain these dynamics, and relate them to modern society. We will investigate the factors that create stable civilizations based on a model of empires that form, expand, and collapse based on many variables that govern their behavior and interaction. We will write code that models these scenarios given different initial values and constant factors, such as:

To aid in the interpretation of the results a graphical representation will be implemented that models the growth/decline dynamics of each empire in the simulation as a function of time.

Team Members:

  Caleb Spare
  Casey Link

Sponsoring Teacher: Dennis Williams