Supercomputing Challenge winners:
A pair of budding mathematicians from Albuquerque's Manzano High School
who wrote mathematical codes typical of those used in cryptography and
mathematical error correction captured the top prize in this year's New
Mexico Supercomputing Challenge. The Challenge was held at Los Alamos
National Lab. Kristen Cordwell and Chen Zhao's project, "Finding Inverses
in Finite Fields," earned the students a $1,000 US Savings Bond and their
teacher, Steve Schum, received a projection system for his classroom.
The team was mentored by Bill Cordwell (5614). Also, the Governor's
Award was presented to Sandia retiree Richard Allen, now with the
University of New Mexico and a past member of the Challenge's board
of directors. For more information, go to the LANL news release. More
information and photos are available at the Challenge website and final
student reports website.