Justin Cross, Mi Deng, Christopher Smith, Daniel Parrott, Team KillShot

Team No.46

Website Designer: Justin Cross
Group Researcher/Writer: Mi Deng
Team Advisor: Daniel Parrott
Group Programmer: Christopher Smith

Sniper Improvement
Problem: Today's military snipers, even with all their technology, have to use math to hit targets. Not only that, some of their methods to take certain factors into effect involve estimation. This causes the shot to be impricise and causes snipers to take too long between shots. We consider this a waste of time.
Model: We will make a computer program that measures and calculates the necessary calculations. Then, the program will give the output of where to aim. We think such a program will be faster and more accurate than a sniper's calculations. Currently, snipers use many separate tools to measure the needed variables. We want to mechanize the calculation process that snipers already use by putting all these devices into a computer program. This program calculates bullet trajectory considering distance, gravity and earth's curve (givens), and wind speed.
Solution: We hope that this program will be incorporated into military guns. This program will help snipers make successive shots in a matter of seconds, increasing their lethality.

   Final Report
Team Number: 46
School: Las Cruces High School
Area of Science: Physics
Project Title: Sniper Improvement

Executive Summary: Our team is working on a program that automatically measures the necessary data for snipers and then outputs the angle they need to fire at. Such a program would be beneficial for several reas ons. Snipers often have to memorize certain specifics about their gun and bullet. Snipers also use spotters to h elp them locate targets. Snipers either memorize methods for compensating for target movement, elevation, wind s peed, and other relevant factors or they learn how to use their inbuilt scope devices. All of this requires inte nsive training.

Trajectory of a Bullet a Flat Angle (top) vs. Elevated Angle (bottom)

The methods for compensating for target movement, elevation, wind speed, and other factors are e stimates and consume time on the battlefield which could put the soldier at risk. If a new gun was developed, sn ipers have to learn a whole new set of data. We feel a computer program would be faster, more adaptable, and mor e accurate.

Problem Description: In the times before firearms, special archers trained to hit high-value targe ts, such as enemy commanders. They were the medieval versions of snipers. Since the invention of the gun, sniper s have been used in every major conflict. However, not every army trained people specifically as snipers. Most o f the soldiers who learned sniping skills were sharpshooters (elite infantry). However, with the advent of autom atic weapons, snipers became their own category. They used to use bolt action rifles because of their accuracy a nd stealth. Semi-automatic sniper rifles that were accurate proved too expensive to manufacture in the past. How ever, due to recent advances in technology, the sniper rifle currently used by the US Army (M107) is an accurate semi-automatic sniper rifle.

M107: the current US Army sniper rifle

There are some problems related to the M107, though. It’s very loud, which can give away the sniper’s position. The only compensation for this is that they are usually aiming at distant targets. A lso, the scope has a zoom of 500, 1000, and 1500 meters. This unfortunately causes shots between 1000 and 1500 t o be inaccurate. Lastly, shooting at an uphill angle can injure the sniper.

M107 Scope

The targeting compensators represent a major improvement from several decades ago. For shots over 1000 yards, th e targeting compensators used to be inadequate. Older scopes had magnification that could only go up to 11X, so the target’s height wasn’t too easy to calculate. Also, the target was blurry due to glare problems. A large (50 mm) objective lens that's coated to allow more light to enter restricts glare problems, and the magnification li mit has been raised to 14X on commercial models. This allows snipers to make shots at a maximum of 2000 meters, though the scope can only zoom up to 1500 meters. Mil dots are still an effective system built into the scope th at measures the angle of the target. A mil dot’s diameter plus the distance of the line connecting two dots is a mil(radian) which is 1/1000th of a radian. The mil dots form a coordinate plane on the scope. Once zoomed in to the appropriate zoom level, the sniper calculates the angle at which he has to aim at the target in order to hit. The scope magnification tells the sniper the distance, which in turn determines what angle above horizontal the shot must be made at to compensate for gravity.

Mil Dots
An experienced sniper can estimate this very well, or use a Bull et Drop Compensator (BDC). At the distances the M107 can shoot, gravity plays a much larger role in the bullet’s trajectory. The BDC and other devices that measure elevation, wind, and other relevant factors are built into t he scope. These devices have knobs that are turned to calculate the effects of the factor, when matched to the a ppropriate value of a known variable. In the case of gravity, the known variable is distance to the target. Howe ver, the height of the target must be guessed. Using visible laser rangefinders is not encouraged because lasers can be seen by the target, especially if the target is employing night vision goggles, which gives away the snip er’s position. Some lasers are invisible, but those are weak magnifiers, so they take a lot of power in order to travel distances in excess of a mile.

Bullet Drop Compensator (BDC)

There are 2 major physics expressions, depending on whether air resistance is added or not. Without air resistan ce, y=t|v|sinΘ+&fract12;gt2, while x=t|v|cosΘ where y is the height, t is time, x is the distance, | v| is the vector of the initial velocity, Θ the launch angle, g the vector of gravity. This was the equati on used in our first trajectory program. Of course, air resistance exists, so motion with air resistance must be used. First, drag should be determined. D=|v|2*1/2*A*C*ρ. D is drag, v is velocity, A is the silhouette area or the area seen from the front, C is the drag coefficient, which is determined usually by wind tunnels, and &rh o; is the air’s density. Since we don’t have access to a wind tunnel, C must be determined through other means. The drag coefficient is related to an older method of calculation called the ballistic coefficient. If one knows the ballistic coefficient and the bullet type, one can determine the drag coefficient. However, there are severa l ballistic coefficient models used for bullets, each giving different measurements. The ballistic coefficient i s inaccurate at high speeds and at long distances, two of the factors that are present on sniper rifles. Bullet manufacturers tend to inflate the ballistic coefficients. This is why the military uses drag coefficient which i s determined by radar. The drag coefficient is around .75 if the bullet is assumed as a blunt cone. However, the bullet is more rounded than a real cone and probably has a lower drag coefficient which is more aerodynamic. Sin ce an exact value of C cannot be found, C was set as an input variable in our trajectory program that included a ir resistance.


Data Without Air Risistance

Obviously, this lack of realism shows that air resistance is a major factor in bullet trajectory. Bullets do not fly 2 minutes in the air; they fly in about 2 seconds.

Graph Showing Air Resistance

Our Approach: We used JAVA as our computer program with Netbeans IDE. We first created a program t hat did basic conversions. It could convert between centimeters and inches, grains to grams, MOA (minutes of an angle) to radians, feet per second to miles per hour, and millibars to inches of mercury (air pressure). This wo uld help us later when we had disorganized units because of different sources. Then, we created a program that c alculated a bullet’s trajectory without air resistance. This used the equations mentioned above. |v| was determi ned to be 2910 feet/sec. Since we used feet, 32 ft/sec²=gravity. The launch angle Θ was the input. Th e program would then output the time it takes for the bullet to reach the ground, its maximum height and a graph of its trajectory. Of course, this is opposite our program’s goal, but it’s easily modified so that distance is an input and the angle was the output. The graph was especially challenging because of the difficulties scaling the graph correctly as well as getting the computer to draw the graph. Also, since a computer can only connect l ines and not actually draw a curve, we had to make the computer draw so many tiny lines that the human eye could barely tell the difference between a curve and that many microscopic lines. This was done byincrementing t (time ) by .1 seconds. Then, we set up a program that does the same thing as the trajectory program, but it included a ir resistance. In the drag equation, C and ρ are the variables (inputs). |v| is 2910 feet/sec=886.968m/s and A=4.080637cm². Since drag is a force, and F=ma, we find acceleration by dividing F by m. m= 45.88961g. Howe ver, it's more useful to find the acceleration in both the x and y directions. Ax=(-D/m)vvx. vx is the vector in the x direction which equals cosΘv where Θ is the launch angle. Ay= -(g+D/mvvy). vy is the vector in the x direction which equals sinΘv. g is gravity which is 9.8m/s². Once acceleration is determined, t he concept of the time increment comes in. The acceleration is constantly changing, but for a small period of ti me, it can be safely assumed to be constant. Our time increment is .01 seconds. In the equation without air resi stance, gravity was the negative acceleration. Now, the acceleration is drag force so that's substituted into th e equation instead. However, because these are increments, a change from a non-zero time increment to another no n-zero time increment can happen. Therefore, the equations for x and y must be adjusted. Also, acceleration due to drag isn't constant. However, over a short amount of time, it's constant enough. Vx+ΔVx= Vx+AxΔt and Vy+ΔVy= Vy+AyΔt where Δt is our time increment .01. ΔVy or ΔVx is to be determ ined by Ax=-Dv²cosΘ/m where v²=V²y+V²x and Ay= -(Dv²sinΘ/m+g). Then, the ax and ay is put into the equation without air resistance where the gravity is substituted by acceleration. In para meter form (in terms of t), x+Δx=x+vcosΘt+½Axt² andy+Δy=y+1.524+sinΘvt+&frac 12;Ayt². The 1.524 is added because snipers don't shoot on the ground. They're standing up so the gun's abo ut 5 feet=1.524 meters off the ground on their hands. The computer outputs the graph and distance the bullet tra vels when it touches the ground.

Our Most Significant Achievement: Our most significant achievement was gathering the information b ecause compiling all the information from all the different sources was challenging. The information was split i nto so many sources that it took the researcher many months to piece together the information. Often times, the information was misleading, outdated, incorrect, or irrelevant. This is why the team had to scrutinize the resea rch to ensure validity. This is also why the researcher had to constantly search for more information because ev ery new program required new research and information that seemed correct needed fixing.

Sources and Helpful People:

Team Members:
Justin Cross, Mi Deng, Daniel Parrott, Christopher Smith
Gregory Marez

Email the members:
Justin Cross, Mi Deng, Daniel Parrott, Christopher Smith
Email the teacher:
Gregory Marez
Email the whole team:
Team KillShot

Challege Site

©2005 Team Kill Shot