

    If this project were to be improved we would change a few things.  First, more real-life variables could be added to the model. Secondly, Experiment 3 would be changed.

    One new variable we would add would be native species.  This would change where the Russian Olives could be planted to effect how they reproduce.  The project would also become more realistic if we gave the birds more characteristics or activities that would happen in life such as reproduction or death.  Having the trees consume water would also add information on how they reduce water for other uses.

    We were not pleased with Experiment 3 because most of the results were different based on the starting number of Russian Olives being higher than the other two Experiments, not the fact that there were fewer birds than Russian Olives.  To improve this we would have the starting number of birds equal 25. That way the Russian Olives would have the same starting numbers but there would be fewer birds affecting the model.

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