Egressing the Titanic

Team: 30


Area of Science: Behavioral Science

Interim: Problem Definition:
We are looking at the problems that faced the crew of the R.M.S. Titanic, and researching the possibility of a successful egress if the ship was equipped with enough safty equipment to properly egress. We are considering the issues of life boats, life jackets, and crew training.

Problem Solution:
By researching the statistics, evaluating and defining the problems, redistributing life boats and crew, and training the crew, we hope to simulate a successful egress in the time it took the ship to sink. Our simulation will include trained crew assigned to lead frightened passengers to the lifeboats, and enough lifeboats for all the crew and passengers.

Progress to Date:
We have done research about the sinking of the R.M.S. Titanic. There were 2,223 people on the ship, and only 706 survived the sinking. One thousand five hundred and seventeen people perished. The ship was designed to carry a total of 1178 people and 20 lifeboats, but they removed 4 lifeboats because they blocked the view of the lower classes. Most importantly, there was no egress plan for the "unsinkable" ship. If there had been a plan, more passengers might have survived.

We were visited by our mentor, Nick Bennett. He discussed our problem, and we reviewed six options of attack. The first was Java. As a team, we ruled out Java due to our lack of experience. Nick introduced Netlogo as a possible option for Starlogo. Netlogo 3D, however, was ruled out due to time limitations. We explored Netlogo 3.0 as well as Starlogo with a network diagram. The team decided to begin with Starlogo reduced to one deck, with the option of increasing to 3 decks and 3 models to incorporate all of our data.

Expected Results:
We want to learn to solve behavioral problems with computer technology. Our plan is to show that by using computer programming to simulate or model human behavior we can help save lives in the future. No one can change the past, but by modeling a new egress plan for the Titanic we can apply our newfound knowledge to current and relavent situations. Safty plans can be simulated without the danger of injury or death, allowing better and more effective emergency plans to be utilized in buildings, boats, parks, and other places where large groups gather and work. We can save lives if a fire or other disaster occurs.

Team Members:

Sponsoring Teacher: Diana Richardson