Opening Programs/Files Through Speech

Team: 35


Area of Science: Computer Science

Interim: Our original problem was polygon reduction but we have since changed it to Opening Files/Programs through Speech.

Problem Definition:
Desktop icons, although useful in their own sense, seem to have taken over the desktops of many computers, especially work/company computers. Sorting through these icons and placing new ones on the desktop has become an extremely tedious task whereas the icons were originally made to make the opening of regularly opened files and programs much simpler and less time consuming. Our goal we hope to achieve in making this program is to eliminate the use of most desktop icons and create a more structured and simple way of opening commonly used programs and files.
Problem Solution:
Using the SDK voice recognition software and the visual basic programming language we plan to make our program. The program will allow the user to find files and programs on their hard drive and set a voice command for it so that when the voice command is repeated the program or file opens. Simply put, to set a program's voice recognition, the user will highlight the program from a drop down list, hit a record button, say the voice command selected for the file, and save the voice command.
Progress to Date
Although doable, time was not on our side when trying to do our original program of polygon reduction. The program would have taken us much longer than the required time provided and so we switched over to our new problem of opening files/programs through speech. Presently, we have come up with the outline of how our program will look and act. We have also started programming the buttons and have retrieved the SDK voice recognition program and implemented into our program outline. Although we have made good progress on our program's coding we have not been able to locate a key piece of information for our program. This piece we need is on how to code the program to compare .wav files and pick the closest matching one. Some of the sources that we have used to help us along our way are which gave us the information on how to implement the SDK software in our program and for the SDK program itself.
Expected Results:
This program when completed will provide easy access to commonly used programs. Not only will it reduce or maybe even eliminate the use for desktop icons, it also makes advancements in the voice recognition field and makes the opening of programs faster than before. This program helps not only working men and women to reduce their clutter and become more organized, but if implemented correctly, this program could be used to help the blind and the disabled people around the world use computers.
Team Members: Paul Arnold, John Aspholm, Chris Gorman, Ethan Holliday
Sponsoring Teachers: Nancy Bugler, Mark Henton
Mentor: Jack Knorst

Team Members:

  Chris Gorman
  Paul Arnold
  Ethan Halliday
  john aspholm

Sponsoring Teacher: Nancy Bugler