Project N.G.P

Team: 52


Area of Science: computer science

Interim: Interim Report

We are making a 3d game using the engine 3dgamestudio and c-script. This game will demonstrate newtonian physics and realistic gameplay. We hope to simulate the different factors of physics that are in real life. Also we will incorporate realistic movement in the sprites. We hope to progress throughout the year and make this a worthwhile project.
Our group has learned many important skills required for success in the Adventures in Supercomputing Challenge. Ever since the first day of class, our instructor has been teaching us the necessary aspects that are required in the curriculum.
First, we spent six weeks learning the general aspects of html. We learned about hyper links, placing images on a web page, placing colors, and cutting and pasting. Our final project in that rubric was to create our very own web page consisting of pictures, html codes, and placing tables. We edited an existing web page by replacing it with our own files and folders.
Then, we spent two to three weeks setting up both MHS AiS Challenge Linux accounts and accessing our New Mexico AiS Challenge Unix accounts. In our local Linux domain, we learned numerous Unix commands such as, ls, cd, mkdir, rmdir, making files via "pico", and copying/moving files. We also set up both telnet and ftp software at our home computers to allow us to interact with both MHS and the AiS Challenge site.
We spent a week discussing general math algorithms for computing geometric shapes and computing distances and velocities in simple motion problems. Next, we spent five weeks learning the basic concepts of C++ programming code. We learned concepts and programming skills such as setting up the main function, cout and cin commands, mathematical computations, for loops, the use of if-else, mod, and setting up arrays. Also, we used the math algorithms in a Unix machine as the basis of most of our programs. We combined the math algorithms with programming skills towards computing the volume and surface area of a sphere and solving physics problems of motion. We programmed over ten programs that compute different kinds of problems. Basically, our instructor provided us with ample information to write the program code for our project.
So far this year we have created some of the physics code required to finish our project. We still need a few more algorithms and more 3d modeling. But so far our project is going well.


-Game Physics, First Edition (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Interactive 3D Technology)
-Physics for Game Developers

Team Members:

  Jamal Osman
  Josh Rice

Sponsoring Teacher: Stephen Schum