Bug Population Control- Bug Off!!!

Team: 66


Area of Science: Entology, Ecology

Interim: Problem Definition:
Our problem deals with controlling insect infestations. To do this we are going to make a model of a house including everything that an average home would have (garage, shed, pond, ect.,). Basically we are going to choose variable numbers of bugs of selected species and see how they interact with one another, with humans, animals and the environment. Our model will show their life styles, their strengths and weaknesses, how they interact, and also what they need to survive in this house. By us knowing these things we will be able to show the effectiveness of different control methods to keep their populations regulated.

Problem Solution:
To solve our problem, we are going to use the computer program StarLogo. So far we have designed our model for our house and its surroundings, selected the representative insects which we will use, and we have found out the basic life cycle, life styles, environmental needs, and the predator/prey relationships for all of our models components.
Our model will mathematically show the relationships between the insects and the environmental factors, and show the reproductive potential of our species. We will also introduce insect controls to our model such as mechanical extermination, chemicals, and beneficial insects. Our model will be able to show the long-term effects of these applications.

Progress to Date: Presently, we have planned everything to be done for the model of our home and its surroundings. We have done immense amounts of research on the insects, how they interact with one another, and their lifestyles and life changes. Our diagram that we have planned includes the house, yard, pond, garage, shed, and field. Now we are determining the mathematics of our model and what we need to do and finish to complete our project.

Expected Results: We expect to find how bugs interact in a normal human household setting. We expect our model to show how different species work together to make a cycle of life or death, population control, and adaptation of insects to their surroundings.

A Sourcebook for the Biological Sciences (Third Edition)
by: Evelyn Morholt and Paul F. Brandwein
Published by: Harcourt Brace & Company in 1986

Biology by: Miller-Levine
Published by: Prentice-Hall, Inc., in 1993


A Field Guide to Insects by: Richard E. White and Donald J. Borror, Published by: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., in 1978.


Team Members:

  Annie Shaw
  sandra cicero
  amber swopes
  Rita Cicero
  Kylee Noble

Sponsoring Teacher: Rebecca Raulie