A Simulation of Gaseous Water to Liquid Water

Team: 74


Area of Science: chemistry


Team Number: 74

School Name: Onate High School

Area of Science: Chemistry

Project Title: A Simulation of Gaseous Water to Liquid Water


Problem Definition:

Utilizing the Ising model or method, our goal is to simulate the transition of gaseous water molecules to liquid water molecules and vice versa. Under different temperatures and pressures, water molecules can change phase between liquid and gas. The Ising Model is a mathematical model in statistical mechanics. By using the Ising Model, we can set the temperature of the system to determine the phase of the water molecules.

The goal in this project is to create a model of the Ising Model and be able to simulate various results by setting different temperatures.


The stimulated Ising Model we are creating will express the second-order phase transition of gaseous water molecules to liquid molecules. A second-order phase transition is a phase transition that is a smooth transition from one state to another. The simulation will be based on second order phase transition temperatures. Furthermore, the Ising Model can be expressed through simulated animations that can be determined by various factors.


Problem Solution:

We will set different amounts of pressure to produce various temperatures in our simulation. The various amounts of pressure affect the critical points for phase change in the water molecule; thus, we will be able to determine the consistency of gaseous water molecules to liquid molecules.The change to liquid occurs from the loss of energy in the gaseous molecules.If the gas molecules lose enough energy, it can also change into a solid. We will create a basic two-dimensional Ising Model to determine the probability of phase change. We will display our results through an animation, created from our programming language Java. The animation will be a two dimensional representation of our results that will vary from different temperatures and amounts of pressure.


Progress to Date:

We have been researching the Ising Model and have started to learn to program. Our group is still learning about the Ising Model and is interpreting the information and trying to understand as much about the Ising Model as we can. We are learning to program in Java through are sponsoring teachers.


Expected Results:

The expected results are that decreased pressure will produce a higher probability of gaseous water molecules transitioning to liquid water molecules. Thus, the increase in pressure will have a smaller probability of gaseous water molecules changing into liquid water molecules. We expect these results because the higher the pressure, the lower the temperature level has to be to transition and vice versa. Furthermore, surrounding molecules transfer energy through each other and higher temperatures expand, so the higher the pressure and temperature, the less probability of gas molecules to change into liquid molecules.


Team Members:

Stan Outtier, Luke Murphy, Petrina Strader, and Jason Li


Sponsoring Teacher:

Don Downs, Josefina Dominguez



“Ising Model.” Wikipedia Online. 5 Dec.2005.



“TheIsing Model.”Revised: 24 Dec. 2004. Online Internet. 5 Dec. 2005



“Introduction to the Ising Model.”Revised: 6 June 1997. Online Internet. 5 Dec. 2005



“Phase Transition.” Wikipedia Online. 5 Dec. 2005.



“Phases in the Ising Model. Revised: 6 June 1997. Online Internet. 7 Dec. 2005



Team Members:

  Petrina Strader
  Esteban Camacho
  Jason Li
  Luke Murphy

Sponsoring Teacher: Josefina Dominguez