Journey To the Ocean

Team: 96


Area of Science: Ecology

Interim: Problem Definition:

The Leatherback population over the last few years has decreased at a rapid rate. The issues affecting the leatherbacks are numerous. Poaching, predators and loss of habitat affect leatherback sea turtle nesting sites. Nesting areas are being patrolled and protected; yet numbers continue to decline. Mass percentages were killed for medicinal reasons.

The issues surround nesting beaches and the survival of the turtles include the following:

*Poaching for the eggs
*Predators of the turtles when they are crawling to the ocean from their nest
*Time of travel (Sunny and hot conditions can kill the turtles)

In the sea of Cortez, near Baja California, the majority of Leatherbacks breed. Poachers and domestic animals, such as pigs and dogs, steal, and eat freshly laid eggs. Turtle eggs are sold on the black market, among the local "turtle" trade, and in the nearby populace.

Problem Solution
In our project, we will try to show what will happen to the current nesting population of the leatherback sea turtle. We believe that a decrease in poaching will help the turtle survive. Mainly, we think that if the government informed the Mexican people about the impending extinction of the leatherback, there might be people who could help stop poaching and genocide of the turtle species.

The current population of the leatherback sea turtle is 5100 and decreasing dramatically over the last few years.

We have so far, gathered lots of information found a mentor, which was the hard part Now that the rough draft of this report is in we will begin blocking out the code for a model using Starlogo.

Team Members:

  Dale Jenkins
  Garrett Philips
  Norbu Frances
  Mason Dowling

Sponsoring Teacher: David Bailey