
We are attempting to create an encryption program that will be applied to standard binary computer data. Encryption programs are used to transform data into incoherent, jarbled jungles of confusion on the screen. There are many different encryption programs in use, each containing its own flaws. Our goal is to utilize a previously existing program as a foundation and enhance it to a degree of theoretical invincibility. Encryption programs are important because in this age of electronically stored and transferred information, data is becoming increasingly insecure from prying eyes. With the world in its present state, computer security is absolutely necessary. The current encryption we are analyzing is known as the RSA Algorithm. This extremely complex mathematical formula has monstrous strengths that we will harness and learn from. After we comprehend how the RSA Algorithm works and the way to utilize it, we will use that knowledge and our own creativity to generate an encryption program that is more amplified than its original. The greatest problem we forsee is the construction of a decryptor that can translate the data to its orginal form.