New Mexico Supercomputing Challenge

Web-based Presentation of the Final Report Specifications

Every team is required to submit an Electronic Copy of the final report. Teams are further encouraged (but not required) to produce a Web-based presentation of the final report. An award for the "Best Web-based Presentation of a Final Report" will be given during the Awards Ceremony.

The deadline for submitting your Web-based presentation is 8:00 am April 13th

Once you have your Web page posted, send an email message to consult saying you wish to enter the Web-based Presentation competition and include the URL of your page. A link will be added to your site from the Final Reports page.

The Web page will be judged on: layout, organization, use of graphics, use of video and creativity.

If you have any questions, send an email to consult.

For questions about the Supercomputing Challenge, a 501(c)3 organization, contact us at: consult @