New Mexico Supercomputing Challenge

Sponsors for 2008-2009

Primary Sponsors

Los Alamos National Laboratory
Sandia National Laboratories
State of New Mexico

Educational Partners

The Center for Connected Learning (CCL) and Computer-Based Modeling/NetLogo
New Mexico Council for Higher Education Computing/Communication Service (CHECS)
Eastern New Mexico University
High Plains Regional Education Cooperative
MIT Starlogo
New Mexico Computing Applications Center
New Mexico Highlands University
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
New Mexico Public Education Department
New Mexico State University
Northern New Mexico College
San Juan College
Santa Fe Community College
Santa Fe Institute
University of New Mexico

Commercial Partners--Gold

Lockheed Martin
Los Alamos National Laboratory Foundation
The MathWorks
VanDyke Software, Inc.
Wolfram Research, Inc.

Commercial Partners--Silver

Google RISE
Gulfstream Group and
Intel Corporation
Los Alamos National Security. LLC
One Connect IP

Commercial Partners--Bronze

Abba Technologies/SGI
Albuquerque Journal
BX Internet
Cray Inc
iniCom Networks Inc
Lobo Internet Services
New Mexico Internet Professionals Association
New Mexico Technet/Computer Reruns
New Mexico Technology Council
Redfish Group
Jim Stewart
Strategic Analytics
Technology Integration Group

Friends of the Supercomputing Challenge

Artesia Physical Therapy
Bill and Nancy Blackler
Computer Corner
Russ Fisher-Ives and Inquiry Facilitators, Inc.
Fractal Foundation
Ken King
NASA Ames Research Center
Network New Mexico, Sandra Simon
New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering
New Mexico Student Loans
Society for Technical Communication
Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists (MAES)
Southwest Self Storage
Taos Cards
Mike and Cyndy Topliff
Cyndy Topliff, CPA

Do you want to become a supporter of the Supercomputing Challenge? Please email Consult at for details.

For questions about the Supercomputing Challenge, a 501(c)3 organization, contact us at: consult @