Predator & Prey Simulation Software Proposal

Throughout history, we've faced challenges when it comes to handling other fauna around us. One example I can think of is how mosquitoes were introduced to Hawaii and how it deeply affected us and the native species of the islands. To help mitigate or prevent this problem in the future, it would no doubt be helpful to have some tool that can help us create two populations of a predator animal and a prey animal, tweak their values to those of species that we might want to simulate from the real world, and see in real time how the population of both is affected by each other. With this, people who use the software could better understand the risks of introducing species to places. The tool could also help educate children about how different species interact with each other. 

This software would be written in Rust, Open Source, and available on all platforms for educators, researchers, and even hobbyists to use. 
