Screen time (in babies)

How does screen time take an affect on young children’s development

What is the problem?
Electronic screens are readily available to young children. The long-term impact of young children using these electronic screens should be studied. We propose surveying our fellow students who have very young children how much time they allow their children to use screens and look at if it is affecting them developmentally.

What is your approach?
We will conduct surveys for parents of children of different ages to learn how screens are used.
We will conduct surveys for these parents to learn how and if they are reaching expected developmental milestones.

What is the impact?
This research is important because the younger generation is our future adults and if they don't develop properly then it can create a problem within their generation

Next Steps
1. Learn about Google Surveys and try to construct a test survey.
2. Learn how to access survey results
3. Build real survey questions for the project
4. Discuss how you might handle sample size - try to find others outside the school to
5. Post links to anonymous surveys on facebook and instagram and ask friends and family
to complete
