Efficient Qubit Packing

Lattice surgery is an operation that can be performed in quantum algorithms to compare groups of qubits. The process of lattice surgery is done by taking two groups of physical qubits, merging them to create one that can be compared, and then splitting them apart again. This process also requires that the qubits affected are also adjacent within the physical computer; however, using lattice surgery has also shown to greatly reduce the number of required qubits to perform a quantum operation by a factor of around 10. This can be done through efficient packing of the qubits in a circuit to meet the requirements of operations that must be performed, like certain qubits being adjacent, and can save money and space. Our proposal is to make a game in which the player creates a three dimensional representation of a quantum circuit that uses lattice surgery by placing qubits and operations in certain places that would create a system taking up the minimum amount of space. This game could then also be run through an optimization program that would find the best way to pack quantum circuits to save on space and time.
