MOCHA ( Motorized, Operator, Controlled, Hand, Aparatices)

MOCHA  is a glove-like system that allows for the use and control of one's hands in cases of disability, disease, or injury. Many people who have experienced various medical issues such as parkinson's and stroke patinetes lost the practical use of their hand. This ability is important for everyday life as hand movements allow for grabbing items, writing, and holding loved ones. MOCHA will be built and designed to help fix this issue by gently assisting in the movement of one's hands giving them improved grip strength and a natural feeling granting them this ability again. MOCHA will be built with 4 main components. The first component is the brain; this is what will communicate with the motores and the app telling when the MOCHA should activate and move the hand. The second component is the motor this will allow the finger and joint mechanism to properly and safely move the hand giving them back a natural feeling. The third component is the finger and joints mechanism; this is what will be moved by the motores to give the user back their ability to move their hand. Finally the fourth component is the app. This is what will take 90% of our coding as it is what the user will use to adjust the strength of the motors, how the mototores activate, when they activate, and what fingers activate. These compotes working together in harmony will allow MOCHA to safely and properly achieve its goal. 
