Supercomputing Challenge


The submission deadline for your report is NOON on April 4th.

See the Final Report Guidelines for specific information.

During the year, refer to How To Efficiently Write a Technical Report (Word file) or the PDF file.

     If you've submitted a final report, make sure you confirm your housing arrangements for the Expo/Awards Ceremony in Los Alamos.

2006-2007 Final Reports


Written Reports Submitted:

Academy for Technology and the Classics

Alamogordo High

Albuquerque Academy

Artesia High

Bloomfield High

Bosque School

Capshaw Middle School

Eldorado/Manzano High

Highland High

St. Pius/Manzano/Homeschool

Jackson Middle School

Las Cruces High

Las Vegas Homeshool (Middle)

Los Alamos High

Los Alamos Mid

Lovington High

Manzano High

McCurdy School

Melrose High

Monte del Sol Charter School & Home School

Navajo Preparatory School

Onate High

Rio Rancho High

Rio Rancho Mid-High

Sandia Prep

Santa Fe Indian School

Shiprock High

Silver High

Socorro High

HTML Reports Submitted:

06 A Pandemic: Avian (bird) Flu


14 DNA: Duchenne's Not Allowed

15 Emergency Egress

16 RSAmazing Algorithm

32 Don't Tump Over: A Heuristic Cargo Hold Model

44 Project SIAN

50 The Traveling Salesman Project

52 E.coli in Hostile Environments

84 Analytical Fire Modeling: Expanding upon the Elliptical Fire Theory

See what last year's final reports were like.

For questions about the Supercomputing Challenge, a 501(c)3 organization, contact us at: consult @

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