New Mexico Supercomputing Challenge

Expo Schedule

 TIME TABLE   TEAM            Expo Judges 

 8:30   A  Alamogordo 5          Angel, S Marrero, Renz-Whitmore 
	C  Artesia 12            Aprea, Guerin, Roberts
	E  Chaparral 31          Ashmore, Hubbard, Schroeder
	G  DownToEarth 38        Budge, Lazo, Sharmeen
	I  Grants 50             Crawford, Leyba, Shakamuri, Watkins
	K  LCYWiC 58             Burch, N Marrero, Steinfadt, Wilensky
	M  LCYWiC 59             Critchlow, Harris, Talou
	O  Melrose 85            Donahue, Olguin, Valdez
	Q  Melrose 87            Eckert, Ramirez, Yanke

 9:00   B  Miyamura 90           Aprea, Hubbard, Schroeder   
	D  Miyamura 91           Ashmore, Lazo, Shakamuri
	F  Quemado 103           Budge, S Marrero, Talou
	H  Red Mountain 104      Burch, Leyba, Sharmeen
	J  SODA 121              Critchlow, N Marrero, Watkins, Wilensky
	L  SODA 125              Crawford, Olguin, Yanke
	N  Pinion 101            Eckert, Ramirez, Valdez
	P  Pinion 102            Guerin, Renz-Whitmore, Steinfadt 
	R  Aspen 17              Harris, Roberts, Angel

 9:30   A  ATC/MdS/TMP 1         Ashmore, Leyba, Roberts, Angel
	C  ATC/DA/SF 2           Budge, Hubbard, Steinfadt
	E  GUTS y Girls 1002     Burch, Lazo, Ramirez, Aprea
	G  Aspen 14              Crawford, N Marrero, Sharmeen
	I  Aspen 15              Critchlow, Olguin, Wilensky
	K  Aspen 16              Donahue, Shakamuri, Talou
	M  Desert Acad 36        Eckert, Renz-Whitmore, Watkins
	O  Desert Acad 37        Guerin, S Marrero, Valdez
	Q  NMSA 94               Harris, Schroeder, Yanke

10:00   B  Little Earth 60       Budge, Leyba, Talou, Watkins
	D  Little Earth 61       Burch, N Marrero, Valdez, Sharmeen
	F  LAHS 62               Crawford, S Marrero, Yanke
	H  LAHS 63               Critchlow, Olguin, Lazo
	J  LAHS 64               Donahue, Ramirez, Roberts
	L  LAHS 66               Eckert, Renz-Whitmore, Aprea
	N  LAHS 68               Guerin, Schroeder, Ashmore
	P  LAMS 72               Harris, Shakamuri, Angel
	R  LAMS 73               Hubbard, Steinfadt, Wilensky

10:30   A  LAMS 74               Burch, Leyba, Steinfadt
	C  LAMS 77               Crawford, Ramirez, Talou
	E  LAMS 80               Critchlow, N Marrero, Yanke, Ashmore
	G  Robertson 108         Donahue, Renz-Whitmore, Sharmeen, Wilensky
	I  Taos 132              Eckert, Olguin, Roberts
	K  AIMS@UNM 4            Guerin, Shakamuri, Aprea
	M  CEPi1 22              Harris, Valdez, Angel
	O  Cleveland 35          Hubbard, S Marrero, Budge
	Q  Edgewood 41           Lazo, Schroeder, Watkins

11:00   B  Escalante 45          Angel, Aprea, Budge
	D  Freedom 49            Ashmore, Burch, Crawford
	F  Jackson 53            Critchlow, Donahue, Eckert, Steinfadt
	H  Jackson 54            Guerin, Harris, Hubbard
	J  La Cueva 56           Lazo, Leyba, Ramirez
	L  Manzano 81            N Marrero, Olguin, Renz-Whitmore
	N  Manzano 83            Roberts, Schroeder, Sharmeen
	P  RRCA 106              Shakamuri, Talou, Wilensky, Watkins
	R  RRCA 107              S Marrero, Valdez, Yanke

11:30   A  Sandia Prep 109       Angel, Ashmore, Burch, Sharmeen
	C  SP/La Cueva 142       Aprea, Crawford, Critchlow, Wilensky
	E  Sat Sci & Math 118    Budge, Donahue, Harris, Valdez
	G  St Pius X 131         Eckert, Guerin, Olguin, Talou
	I  Mesa Mid 89           Hubbard, Lazo, S Marrero
	K  Zuni 136              Leyba, N Marrero, Ramirez, Yanke
	M  Aspen 18              Renz-Whitmore, Roberts, Steinfadt
	O  Navajo Prep 92        Schroeder, Shakamuri, Watkins

12:00 Judges caucus

12:30 Expo Judges announce another four or so finalist teams

These presentations will be in the first floor and basement of the Library below the Study Center of the Research Library at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. After their presentations, teams will set up their posters in the North Gallery of the Study Center and form groups to be able to take tours of Los Alamos National Laboratory.

For questions about the Supercomputing Challenge, a 501(c)3 organization, contact us at: consult @