New Mexico Supercomputing Challenge

Participating Schools Map

This map represents the locations of the schools participating in the 2011-2012 Supercomputing Challenge.

 School City
 Academy for Technology & Classics Santa Fe
 Alamogordo High Alamogordo
 Albuquerque High Albuquerque
 Albuquerque Inst for Math and Science Albuquerque
 Aldo Leopold High Silver City
 Artesia High Artesia
 Aspen Elementary Los Alamos
 Bernalillo High Bernalillo
 CEPi1 Albuquerque
 Chaparral High Chaparral
 Chaparral Mid School Chaparral
 Cleveland High Rio Rancho
 Desert Academy Santa Fe
 Down to Earth School Silver City
 Edgewood Elementary Edgewood
 Edgewood Mid School Edgewood
 Escalante High Tierra Amarilla
 Espanola Valley High Espanola
 Freedom High Albuquerque
 Grants High Grants
 Hatch Valley High Hatch
 Jackson Mid School Albuquerque
 La Cueva High Albuquerque
 Las Cruces High Las Cruces
 Little Earth School Santa Fe
 Los Alamos High Los Alamos
 Los Alamos Mid Los Alamos
 Manzano High Albuquerque
 Mayfield High Las Cruces
 Melrose High Melrose
 Mesa Mid Las Cruces
 Miyamura High Gallup
 Monte Del Sol Santa Fe
 Navajo Prep Farmington
 New Mexico School for the Arts Santa Fe
 Onate High Las Cruces
 Picacho Middle School Las Cruces
 Pinon Elementary Los Alamos
 Quemado High Quemado
 Red Mountain Mid Deming
 Rio Rancho Cyber Academy Rio Rancho
 Robertson High Las Vegas
 Sandia Prep Albuquerque
 Santa Fe High Santa Fe
 Santa Fe Indian School Santa Fe
 Sarracino Mid Socorro
 Saturday Science and Math Acad Albuquerque
 Shiprock High Shiprock
 Sierra Middle School Las Cruces
 Socorro High Socorro
 St Pius X High Albuquerque
 Taos High Taos
 The Ask Academy Rio Rancho
 The MASTERS Program Santa Fe
 Zuni High Zuni

Here is a map indicating all the places where Supercomputing Challenge teams have been located since 1990.

For questions about the Supercomputing Challenge, a 501(c)3 organization, contact us at: consult @