Participating Schools Map
This map represents the locations of the schools participating in the 2014-2015 Supercomputing Challenge.

Schools in the 2014-15 Challenge:
| School | City |
| Academy for Technology & Classics | Santa Fe |
| Albuquerque Academy | Albuquerque |
| Aldo Leopold High | Silver City |
| Bloomfield High | Bloomfield |
| Capital High | Santa Fe |
| Centennial High | Las Cruces |
| CEPi | Albuquerque |
| Choices Alternative School | Clovis |
| Clovis High | Clovis |
| Desert Academy | Santa Fe |
| Down to Earth School | Silver City |
| East Mountain High | Sandia Park |
| Espanola Valley High | Espanola |
| Explora | Albuquerque |
| Freedom High | Albuquerque |
| Gadsden Mid | Anthony |
| Jackson Mid School | Albuquerque |
| La Cueva High | Albuquerque |
| Las Cruces High | Las Cruces |
| Las Cruces YWiC | Las Cruces |
| Lordsburg High | Lordsburg |
| Los Alamos High | Los Alamos |
| Los Alamos Mid | Los Alamos |
| Los Lunas High | Los Lunas |
| Melrose High | Melrose |
| Melrose Mid | Melrose |
| Mesa Mid | Las Cruces |
| Miyamura High | Gallup |
| Monte Del Sol | Santa Fe |
| Moutain Elementary | Los Alamos |
| Moutain View Elementary | Espanola |
| New Mexico School for the Arts | Santa Fe |
| New Mexico Military Institute | Roswell |
| NexGen Academy | Albuquerque |
| Picacho Mid School | Las Cruces |
| Pojoaque High | Pojoaque |
| Portales High | Portales |
| Red Mountain Mid | Deming |
| Rio Rancho Cyber Academy | Rio Rancho |
| Sandia High | Albuquerque |
| Sangre de Christo Homeschool | Los Alamos |
| Santa Fe High | Santa Fe |
| Saturday Science and Math Acad | Albuquerque |
| School of Dreams Academy | Los Lunas |
| South Valley Prep | Albuquerque |
| St Michaels High | Santa Fe |
| St Pius X High | Albuquerque |
| Taos Charter | Taos |
| Taos High | Taos |
| Taos Mid | Taos |
| The MASTERS Program | Santa Fe |
Here is a map indicating all the places where Supercomputing Challenge teams have been located since 1990.
