Volleyball Statistics

Team: 41

School: Melrose High

Area of Science: statistics

Interim: Team Number: 41
School Name: Melrose High School
Project Title: Volleyball Statistics
Area of Science: Physics, Statistics
Interim Report
Problem Definition: The world is filled with science; it is everywhere you look. Even in places most people would not expect it, such as in sports. Volleyball is filled with science. Another part of science, is taking and recording data. Volleyball has statistics too! Since we love volleyball, and we do science, we decided to bring both to our project this year. Statistics is data about the game going on. Coaches and players use it to gather information on other teams and fix problems within the team. Teams gather as much information they can so nothing is unexpected during a game. So, taking statistics is a very important step to becoming a winning sports team. Now, the problem is that taking statistics is very hard. Volleyball is a fast paced sport, which makes it difficult to make notations about game play and keep up with the game. Melrose High School uses an iPad to take statistics. The app that the school uses is very hard to learn and understand. It is hard to look at, and to find what needs to go where in the short amount of time you have before the next play starts. We need something better!
Problem Solution: Our solution to this problem is to create and develop an app using Netlogo to make taking statistics easier and faster. We are using Netlogo to design the app and work with the code. Coding with Netlogo will make it easier to learn how to complete a working model that we can then transform into an app ourselves. This app has to be a mobile app, so we can download it to the school’s iPad.
Progress to Date: We quickly found we do not need to model an actual volleyball game! All we know to do is have a medium to help us record events as they happen, creating the data for statistical analysis. Also, we have found an app that we can use to make a mobile app, so that was a huge step. We are working on our idea on how we want to design and implent the app. This will occur when we begin putting the Netlogo and app design together.
Expected Results: We expect this app to benefit our school and sports program. Even with the app we are using now, it is hard to count every single detail. So the data transfer will be more accurate and simpler to use. This project could potentially benefit our team if it is good enough to market to others.

Coach Casey Jackson of the Melrose Volleyball team
NMAA Volleyball Bylaws
NCCA Women’s Volleyball Rulebook

Team Members:

  Joshua Littell
  Caitlyn Nicholson
  Damaris Sotelo
  Dennis Dutton

Sponsoring Teacher: Alan Daugherty

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