How does nutrition affect depression?

Team: 11

School: Multi Schools-EH/MH/SH

Area of Science: Mental Health

How Does Nutrition Affect Depression?

Team Members: Nancy Avila

Gwenevere Caouette

Tiffany Chau

Kyreen White

Teacher(s): Ms.Lunsford


Sponsor: Mrs. Glennon

Areas of Science: Mental health

Definition of the Problem: The problem we chose to define this year is based on Nutrition Psychiatry. We decided that the problem we would really like to solve is the relationship of poor food nutrition to the effects of depression.

Purpose of the Project: Our planned purpose for this project is to increase awareness towards food nutrition and the damage it could cause when not receiving the proper nutrition. We hope to find a way to help those who suffer from depression with better coping mechanisms or treatments with the usage of better nutrition and exercises.

Plan of Action: The plan of action we will take in order to understand the healthy and unhealthy eating habits that people with depression use to cope with depression is research. We will research the types of food that release endorphins to reduce stress. After the research, we will put what we learn into a code to demonstrate and solve our problem.

Coding: Our coding will show one brain with multiple variables as sliders. To get an approximate representation of the brain, we will use examples of a CAT scans. We are going to use NetLogo to display our model. The code will show the brain’s improvements or declinements by using infrared imaging, which detects radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum. The infrared imaging will allow us to illuminate parts of the brain and chemicals in the brain that are working when receiving the nutrients. We will try different methods for our coding.

Team Members:

  Tiffany Chau
  Gwenevere Caouette
  Kyreen White
  Nancy Avila

Sponsoring Teacher: Karen Glennon

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