Till The Cows Come Home

Team: 46

School: Melrose High

Area of Science: Livestock Ecology

Melrose High School, Team number: 46
Project description: Till The Cows Come Home
During the months of spring, cow’s will be giving birth and calves will be born. If a cow is pregnant, they must be checked regularly to make sure that they are healthy. This takes a lot of time and effort for the rancher because he will have to search for hours through his pastures looking for cattle that have separated from their groups. It will be easier for the rancher to go around and find them if the cow had a tracker in its ear to tell when it is going to give birth, and what its location is. This will save time. The tracker will tell where in the pasture the cow is located which making it easier for the rancher to get to the cow in time for the birth.
My team and I will see if this tracker will save time, animals lives and save money on the equipment the ranchers are using. We also will be performing experiments on different types of trackers to see what one would for best for the ranchers.

Team members: Avette Sanchez, Hunter Hollaway, Rilee Priest

Team Members:

  Avette Sanchez
  Hunter Hollaway
  Rilee Priest

Sponsoring Teacher: Alan Daugherty

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