Life of Mustangs

Team: 49

School: Melrose Middle

Area of Science: Wildlife Economics

Proposal: Melrose Middle School Team #49

Project description: We will be conducting a wild mustang project, as we are concerned about what happens to these animals when there are too many in the wild. Also, we are interested in what happens to them when they are brought out of their habitat, and into the buyer’s care. We will need to conduct research concerning where wild mustangs go once they are caught, what happens there, and what the conditions are which is also important. We need information on what these mustang’s activities consist of. Also, what the history of the majority of the mustangs that have been adopted, how they are treated, and other factors that may be important to this concept. We wish to stay in The United States, locating areas that might be a good example for this project. Once the information is acquired, we will work on creating a NetLogo model that shows the basic details of the area that holds and what happens to the mustangs in captivity. As we acquire this information, we will design agents, (the horses) review what happens during their time in the captivity, and after the horses are sold. With the display and knowledge, we will attempt to identify the issues during this process, and fix the issues that occur in the best way possible to protect these noble creatures
Team Members: Lily Macfarlane, Daisey Downey, Lilly Gallagher, and Caleb Sanchez.

Team Members:

  Lily Macfarlane
  Lilly Gallagher
  Daisey Downey
  caleb sanchez

Sponsoring Teacher: Alan Daugherty

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