
Team: 54

School: Mesilla Valley Leadership Academy

Area of Science: Robotics

Proposal: For our project, we want to make a robot that can be a counselor without a human. It will be able to help people that suffer from depression. The robot will be called C.a.r.e. Which stands for calming android ready every day. It will be made out of a metal on the inside but a warm fuzzy blanket material for hugging when the patient feels down. It will have an A.I. that will tell their emotions based on there face and it will listen to the patient talk about anything they want. In the beginning, it will have the patient take a test to make sure they don't suffer from any medical conditions. after that they will scan it and the A.I. will kick in. so that's our proposal. we hope you like it.

Team Members:

  Diego romero
  Alberto Castaneda
  joaquin salazar

Sponsoring Teacher: Tracie Mikesell

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