Flood Control

Team: 33

School: St. Thomas Aquinas

Area of Science: Geology

Interim: Midterm Progress Report for Team # 33

I am Liam Chavez, a member of group #33. I have learned a small amount of NetLogo coding. I have mainly been learning about Python from Eric Vigil.
Here is our proposal:

I am EJ Padilla, a member of group #33. I have been learning about how beavers build their dams so we can learn from them. I have found this information from breaking beaver dams and seeing how they built the dams. I also learned a little bit with NetLogo.

I am Jacob Solin, a member of #33. I have learned to program a little with NetLogo.

Our mentors: Rowan Kinny & Eric Vigil.

Team Members:

  Jacob Solin
  Emmanuel Padilla
  Liam Chavez

Sponsoring Teacher: Eric Vigil

Mail the entire Team