The Destruction of Joshua Tree Park

Team: 61

School: Memorial Middle

Area of Science: Ecology

Interim: The Destruction of Joshua Tree Park

Problem Definition

My project is about how the National Parks are Destroyed and what I want to do to save them and help them from getting destroyed.

Problem Solution

I am going to use NetLogo and I want to prove what can happen when National Parks are destroyed. I plan to use parts from other models and add to them. I want to see if placing lighting rods in certain areas will decrease the number of fires.

Progress to Date

I have picked a National park, Joshua Tree has been destroyed before it is located in California. Joshua Tree had a fire caused by lightning and 1.3 million trees burned in the fire. The fire was called the Dome fire.
I plan to learn more about lighting, lighting rods and more about the density of the trees at Joshua Tree Park. I also want to learn about how many trees were at Joshua Tree Park before the fire. What did the non-native grasses do to affect the fire and lead it to spread more?

Expected Results

The Results I want are for people to see how much it hurts the environment when National Parks are destroyed. Also I think that lighting rods should be put up around Tall trees. I think a good idea to get rid of the grass would be to have a prescription burn.

Team Member:
Joshlyn Montano

Denette Martinez

Reffat Sharmeen

Team Members:

  Joshlyn Montano

Sponsoring Teacher: Denette Martinez

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