The Spread of Airborne Diseases by Socially Disobedient People

Team: 22

School: San Juan College High

Area of Science: Behavioral and Social Sciences

Proposal: Today we have been thrusted into unlikely times with a global pandemic afoot the and increased need to keep essential workers, retail workers in this case, safe as they work on the frontlines to maintain society. However, there are certain individuals that have been collectively known as “Karens” by social media who actively refuse to participate in the strongly recommended health and safety guidelines issued by state legislature and national health organizations. The purpose of this computational model is to illustrate how much of a danger “Karens” are to retail employees. We hope to find considerable evidence of the dangers such social behavior causes as a means of spreading awareness in advocating for the proper execution of safety and health guidelines. The coding language the team has decided to use is Netlogo. The specific model situations we plan on simulating is the checkout lines at retail stores where the customer and cashier are in close proximity but with varying levels of safety and health regulations being followed.

Team Members:

  Caroline Teng
  Brandon Tso
  Jayden Hogue
  David Nguyen-Ho
  Krystal Lapahie

Sponsoring Teacher: Geizi Dejka

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