Think Before You Drink

Team: 25

School: Corona High

Area of Science: Water Quality

Proposal: Proposal:
Many people around the world lack access to clean drinking water. Water is essential for survival. As technology has advanced they have developed large filtration systems. However, these filtration systems can be costly and not obtainable for certain, economically disadvantaged areas.
Through this project, we hope to accomplish a more affordable filtration system for those who are underprivileged, when it comes to access to affordable, clean drinking water. By using Netlogo, we can design models to help us analyze this problem. We can utilize this model to identify the best type of filters for certain contaminants. With this information, we can help to limit costs for water filtration systems. This project can also help to advance our scientific knowledge by addressing the Next Generation Science Standard of analyzing and interpreting data on the properties of substances, before and after the substances interact to determine if a chemical reaction has occurred.
We believe that all people should have access to affordable and clean drinking water supplies. Today, 1 out of every 9 people, across the world lack this access. If we could lower this statistic by even half this could be an economical change for the better.

Members: Hitch Dunlap, Emma Mulnix, Brindle Racher, Foster Golightly

Sponsors: Amanda Dunlap and Samuel Hindi

Team Members:

  Hitch Dunlap
  Emma Mulnix
  Brindle Racher

Sponsoring Teacher: Amanda Dunlap

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