Team: 27

School: Mesilla Valley Leadership Academy

Area of Science: Animal Science

Proposal: TNR+
Team Members: Natalia Nino, Jacqueline Jimenez
Team Number: 27
School: Mesilla Valley Leadership Academy

We are hoping to connect with new people to learn more about coding at the extent that it may go to solving issues. Our topic is about helping the stray animals in our neighborhood by providing food, water, shelter and neuter and release. We plan to use NetLogo for our demonstration of how this solution to this crisis will work. We will be showing you the process of making a station we think will help (i.e blueprints, 3D models, prototypes). We hope to converse with more people that could help us with coding, building, presentation and overall how we can make things better for stray animals in our area.

Team Members:

  Jacqueline Jimenez
  natalia nino

Sponsoring Teacher: Tracie Mikesell

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