Air Quality Monitoring

Team: 52

School: Mescalero High School

Area of Science: Environmental

Proposal: The problem with the High Desert terrain, wildfires and pollen of New Mexico is that the air quality can be harmful even deadly for persons with allergies or chronic respiratory diseases. Developing air sensor check points around the school and reservation, can provide immediate and quantitative data to be used daily and to be documented for seasonal studies. The importance of these results will allow for officials and individuals to make more informed decisions concerning mass gatherings and personal excursions and the quality of air for those times.
Plan of Action:
• Build housing cases for the sensor Arduino with 3D technology
• Create the C++ code for the sensor to communicate to an android
• Document daily reading from the air quality sensor
• Decipher if any patterns with weather, local events (fires) or other circumstance affect air quality

Team Members:

  Ferdina Trujillo
  aubrey torres
  Gabriel Marrujo
  Pearl Pike
  Madisyn Yuzos

Sponsoring Teacher: Deborah Grider

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