Flood Levels

Team: 53

School: Mescalero High School

Area of Science: Environmental Science

Proposal: The problem with the High Desert terrain, wildfires and flash flooding in New Mexico is that the rise of flood waters on the Mescalero Reservation. This project will develop and measure the Tularosa Creek, which runs through the Mescalero Reservation, on a scheduled pattern of times. The data collected will be a combination of precipitation and the resulting outcome in the rise of the Creek.
Plan of Action:
• Build housing cases for the sensor Arduino with 3D technology
• Create the C++ code for the sensor to communicate to an android
• Document scheduled readings from the Tularosa Creek
• Decipher if any patterns with weather, erosion or other circumstances that affect flood waters

Team Members:

  Cora Breuninger
  Kameryn Chino
  Duncan Balatche
  Ethan Gallerito
  Liliana Lopez
  Caydence Palmer

Sponsoring Teacher: Deborah Grider

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