Relationship Between Deforestation and Climate Change

Team: 28

School: Truman Mid

Area of Science: Coding in biomes

Interim: Relationship Between Deforestation and Climate Change

Forests: help with slowing climate change. Trees capture greenhouse gases (GHGs) like carbon dioxide, preventing them from accumulating in the atmosphere and warming our planet. When forests are cleared or burnt, stored carbon is released into the atmosphere, mainly as carbon dioxide. Averaged over 2017-2020, global loss of tropical forests contributed about 4.8 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide per year (or about 8-10% of annual human emissions of carbon dioxide). Burning fossil fuels, in combination with destruction of carbon sinks due to deforestation and other activities, has contributed to more and more carbon dioxide building up in the atmosphere – more than can be absorbed from existing carbon sinks such as forests. The build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is driving global warming, as it traps heat in the lower atmosphere. Carbon dioxide levels are now at their highest in human history. We will create a simulation to explain the relationship between deforestation and climate change.

In our biological system we have many interacting parts such as oxygen (sky blue O shapes) in order to demonstrate the as an animals, trees, fires, carbon dioxide (red C shapes) and devastating effects of deforestation. The largest effect is a large amount of carbon dioxide. The animals breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. As well, they represent humans when they "cut trees." Animals also have the ability to reproduce on contact with another animals. Animals are killed on contact with fire. The fire also consumes oxygen and converts it to carbon dioxide. The trees are programmed to do their natural process Of photosynthesis (produce O2). On contact with carbon dioxide, the carbon dioxide becomes oxygen. The tree's rate of reproduction is slow, similar to trees in nature, and are quickly taken down by the animals. In short amount of time the trees die off because there is no more oxygen to “feed” it. This shows how carbon dioxide has taken over in areas where many trees have been cut down. Shortly after the trees die, the animals die due to the lack of oxygen. All that remains is carbon dioxide and fires signifying the importance nature plays in humanity and the respect it should be given. While the project doesn’t focus on this, the more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to the lack of trees and plants photosynthesizing the worse global warming become.

In this point were able to code the trees,the fire,the animal,the O2 and the CO2 ,using Starlogo Nova ,we had problems with our tree code because now we need to find the coding that allow our trees to grow and die,like a regular ecosistem other thing that we are going to fix is our fire because it need to appear when the conditions of CO2 are high in our ecosystem,right now we are using My Nasa Data to learn more about of global warming and deforest ,we are also using Precipitation And Education by Nasa to understand weather and climates in our ecosystem.

The result that we are expecting is that our ecosystem (The Amazon Rainforest) will show how CO2 (gas of the greenhouse effects)can destroy our ecosystem and the life of the animals and trees,we hope that with this simulation we could teach students and everybody else how to prevent the effects of the global warm ups.;differences=false;autoContour=false;xCATID=2EAD26A8FB68374598062CB08E77D5DE;xDSID=atmos_temp;varid=T2MMEAN-id-9b81584099;imageSize=auto;over=xy;compute=Nonetoken;tlo=01-Jan-2020%2000:00;thi=01-Jan-2020%2000:00;catid=2EAD26A8FB68374598062CB08E77D5DE;dsid=atmos_temp;varid=T2MMEAN-id-9b81584099;avarcount=0;xlo=-180;xhi=179.38;ylo=-90;yhi=90;operation_id=Plot_2D_XY_zoom;view=xy

Team Members:

  Camila Hernandez
  Yahir Prieto
  Sebastian Puentes

Sponsoring Teacher: Natali Barreto

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