Super Computing Challenge: Lunch Fuel

Team: 13

School: Taos High

Area of Science: Computer Science

Proposal: SuperComputing Challenge

Situation: How can we reduce the amount of food waste in our school, and how do we remove the food waste safely.
Proposed Solution: By using a program to measure the amount of trash collected from the garbage, can we analyze the data collected and see what food is unfavorable and what foods are thrown the most? Using this knowledge, we can plan a solution such as giving out unwanted food, requesting the removal of unpopular food items, or eliminating food waste by turning it into Biofuel.

Importance: Using the data we find, we hope to find a solution that would decrease food waste while benefiting the school. We will achieve this by either giving out extra food to a shelter or by turning inedible food into clean biofuel energy.


From the 3rd to the 4th week of November, a team of students shall go out into the cafeteria and set up a series of garbage cans that will house different types of food waste. They will sort meat, preserved foods, and foods able to be turned into biofuel.
While the trash is being collected, students will measure and track how much the trash bags weigh and record the menu items being served.
Next a group of students will create a program using the data collected. The program shall predict how much food waste is accumulated from a food item and predict which items produce the most amount of biofuel.

Team Members:

  Brian Hoang
  Flynn Basehart
  Chris Rivera
  Izaiah Gonzales

Sponsoring Teacher: Tracy Galligan

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