Deforestation trackor

Team: 14

School: Santa Fe Preparatory Sch

Area of Science: Environmental Science

Proposal: Tyler harvey
Santa Fe Prep
Grade: 11th:
Team 14:
Project: deforestation tractor:
The deforestation tractor project will be designed to incorporate an individual's input data that will track the rate of deforestation over a specific amount of land. After, the inputs are given a live feed that shows the rate of deforestation and total surface area that was imputed by the individual. Combining the use of C sharp in Unity game Engine, HTML and CSS, with the incorporation of either netlogo or star logo is a good way to approach this project . I choose these programming languages, as I have more experience in them, and Unity will give me an easier start, as the foundation of my project is already set. I choose to track the rate of deforestation as to provide a visual understanding for how quickly humans are destroying the Earth's natural resources. 38% of the planet's land is forest, or about half compared to before humans started to deforested lands across the globe.

Team Members:

  Tyler Harvey

Sponsoring Teacher: Jocelyne Comstock

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